Editor's Note

Greetings, brothers and sisters in recovery! Spring has arrived! The first SCAnner of 1996 is a double issue to bring us up to date. To all you who wonder, why the latest issues of The SCAnner are the first half of 1996...it has taken us awhile to catch up. And now that we are on path, I would like to remind everyone to renew your subscription for 1996 if you haven't done so already. It only costs $2.00 and you'll be sure to receive The SCAnner.

In this issue we have coverage of the last New York and Los Angeles conventions, as well as the last ISO meeting in February in Milwaukee (next year's will be in Los Angeles). SCA's presence on the World Wide Web continues to be a big success, with the on-line meeting, and more literature being added to the website. John F., the coordinator of this effort, has given us an update, as well as information for SCA's Pen Pal program. There are My Stories, from Susan of Milwaukee, our first story by a woman (and long overdue!), as well as stories from Jim M. of St. Louis, ISO Chair, and Jim J. of NYC. David A-S, NYC, who continues to be of service to The SCAnner, besides writing some of the reports, offers us his views on the twelve traditions of SCA in an article with more to follow. Richard K.'s Food For Thought column ruminates on spring rains and recovery, and how our recovery mirrors the seasons.

Finally, I would like to thank Doyle of LA, for his desktop efforts in helping us put out issue #3 of 1995. And of course, the usual mammoth efforts of Frank G. and Todd R. of Chicago to print and send out the SCAnner. If you are interested in submitting articles or information for The SCAnner's use, we invite you to do so.

Yours in recovery,

Joe F., Editor, NYC

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Copyright 1996
Sexual Compulsives Anonymous International Service Organization
All Rights Reserved