MY STORY ....I think that there needs to be better communication and better love and understanding of one another.... By Scott H The purpose of me sharing my story is to let you know that I'm somebody who is out of control, and that I need to admit -- to own -- my powerlessness; that my addiction has caused some pain in my life, and the pain was enough to make me want to change. And I also hope that the pain that I continue to feel, and the things that I continue to feel that are not healthy for me, will motivate me to want to change. I'm alive for the very purpose of growing; I believe that we're always growing and I want to continue to learn. True learning is growth. In reference to the thirty-two years of my life, I like the words, "They were the best of times, they were the worst of times." The very subject of sexual addiction seems to bring back much of the "worst of times" of my life. Sex as a drug may not have direct expenses always related to it, but it definitely has costs. Sexual addiction's highest cost is pain; pain for myself and for those I love. It has cost me my self-esteem, relationships, a marriage, the ability to be with my three children on a day to day basis, and, while it, fortunately, hasn't cost me my life yet -- through AIDS or violence -- it has threatened. I believe an example of my compulsivity was continuing to act out in a place where I had previously been threatened by a person with a switchblade, and, on another occasion, where I had received a "martial arts" kick to the side of my head by someone I had just "gotten off" with. I have seen people arrested and hauled away for doing the same things I do, and in the same places. I am really amazed that all of these negative "consequences" (costs) still couldn't keep me from my drug! When my wife told me that she needed me to move out for her, and our children's, safety, I decided then it was time to get real help. I contacted and checked into Golden Valley Sexual Dependency Unit in Minnesota. I had, prior to that, been involved with therapists and social workers, as well as a Twelve Step Program (SA). I hadn't hit bottom -- I hadn't admitted my powerlessness over my addiction! I now see so much of the insanity of my life and I am still, today, "powerless over my addiction". I learned, in Minnesota, some tools to use to help myself. I also learned that the "addict" within me whom I'd been trying to conquer and kill for years, is really the abused child inside of me. When I, as an adult, continue to take myself to act out, I am often reliving the abuses I was dealt as a child. I even tell myself, deep down inside, some of the ugly things I was told, such as, I am "unworthy", or "bad", "undesirable", "dirty", etc. I've learned that I need to stop trying to "conquer and kill" my addict as well; because by such a "power" attitude, or "closed fist-fight" attitude, I would only continue to be suicidal. I was wanting to kill myself because "I am bad, unworthy, etc.". So I thought! I was wrong!! Today, I tell myself I am capable of loving and being loved. I am really a good person who is intelligent, healthy and handsome. I am fun to be with... and gentle. I am also sensitive. I am, most of all, a child inside who is all of these things plus many more. Today, I am loving and nurturing the abused child of my past by treating myself with tough, but real, love. The way I should have been, and deserved to have been, treated as a child. I am ashamed of the pain I've caused my ex-wife, my children, my ex-lover, myself and anyone else I've hurt through my addiction. I am sorry..... I love life today! I'm glad I'm alive because it gives me the day to day opportunities to learn. Learning, and application of what we've learned, is growth. I'm glad I'm growing. I feel the "inner child" growing up in a healthy way. It doesn't happen without slips and falls -- but I also can learn from those if I stop to see WHY I fell, then figure out a better way to deal with that situation in the future. Or, even more important, to "better deal with that situation" when it comes again into my present. As I've learned to love and accept myself, I've learned to get rid of the childhood-formed mind-chatter that tells me that I'm not acceptable as I am. WE ARE ACCEPTABLE AS WE ARE -- as gay people, and as addicts. As I've learned to become more comfortable with myself, I can share my life with people who aren't even part of the SCA Program; who love me and accept me as I am. They don't always understand, but they do love me and accept me as I am. I hope that there have been some things in here which have been helpful to someone out there. That's the purpose of me sharing my story -- as well as helping me to be "present" in my life. If you need help, contact places of help; continue to come to the Program. Share what you're REALLY feeling with other people in the Program and give them a chance to validate you and let you know that your feelings are real; that your feelings are valid and that you're loved just as you are. We're all in here together; let's strive to make our lives more healthy. May we all be blessed by our Higher Powers to help us get our needs met in healthy, honest ways. As a friend in my Group says-- "Happy Sexuality, everybody!" Thank you.